
I love that Scarlet Spider is in there. I hated the clone saga (didn't we all?) but I did like when Ben was spider-man... Sensational Spider-man was a great book (especially with Wieringo art).

@merc-ai: CAn you give a link to this "BGT" thing you mention?

@Praetor: thanks for the wealth of information. Reading that, it does make me want to tinker with tactics a little.

@metronome49: occasionally, I can not recover from being drunk.

@Praetor: I like your points, my only complaint is: why should I have to go find mods? I agree, it is AWESOME that they are available... but I am currently playing DA, and I don't have one single mod loaded.

@rainofwalrus: I totally agree with you. I remember when I first played oblivion, and my character was weak during the gate sequences. I figured, I'd just go level up a bit and come back... but the forces increased as well.

"Occasionally, the player would not recover from being drunk."

This fits in with one of my core beliefs: If you know everything, then you can learn nothing.

@Archaotic: I didn't know that. That's actually really cool.

I didn't realize chinatown wars came out for psp.

I thought we had all agreed that her outfit was going to be much sluttier then that. WHAT THE HELL, HOLLYWOOD!?

@robelirobban: I agree, I want a bar with this in it now so I can go this weekend.

I know that its for a score, and so they may have tried to go more cinematic in sound, but that just doesn't sound like daft punk to me.

#4 looks like a scene from Fist of the north star.

Infinity Gauntlet!! YESSSSSS!!!!!

overall it looks good, but the fight scenes bother me. I am guessing the beginning sequence he doesn't have his power, as he isn't tossing men around like ragdolls like a god should.

overall it looks good, but the fight scenes bother me. I am guessing the beginning sequence he doesn't have his power, as he isn't tossing men around like ragdolls like a god should.

@Ramdust: Let's hope gameplay remains that smooth...

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