
@Invisible-Echidna: well, at least you'll totally understand what is going on, and be completly invested in the characters.

@maraxusofk: I didn't get one from my Amazon pre-purchase. have an extra to help out?


Floyd would be a day one purchase for me... plus they could have some crazy visuals.

This is totally awesome...

X-men omnibus isn't an old book, it's just a big and expensive book.

@chrollo0427: Man, I know all about that. stupid eharmony.

And, as usual... the lower the cost of the room, the better the connection and service.

The book thing is a great example for me. I would even buy a digital copy of an older physical copy I had... if I could find it! There are a few I have had no choice but to grab from other places... just because I couldn't legally buy a digital copy.

Boggle is the better game anyway.

I'm going to buy the old version and use the new rules.

I think that note - that Lifehacker will be prank free - is a call out to us readers to pull as many pranks as we can in the comments.

They're bringing back the VirtuaBoy!? yessss!!!

He collected them since he was a kid... and she just throws them out. And then she wants him to understand he was in the wrong?

@Snow leopard: but, why is teh girl so sex? I must find out!

Nice combination here. Soon, no browser, just steam!

I'm guessing it was the pricing...

late post: but for my sister's kids, ticket to ride can't be beat.