@Dangeresque (Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more): Atari 2600 had a B&W switch, and I played it on my grandma's 20" screen. I don't remember it being harder.... but I think I was better at video games back then. #thesaboteur
@Dangeresque (Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more): Atari 2600 had a B&W switch, and I played it on my grandma's 20" screen. I don't remember it being harder.... but I think I was better at video games back then. #thesaboteur
While I am not totally for the villianization of the German people (as others have stated, not all were nazis, and not all had a choice), I do agree that this pushes the attitude and circumstances of the era.
So far so quiet on the "Valve is ripping us off... boycott!" front. But i expect that wave anytime now. #left4dead2
@heretrix: He said: "The demo as a whole, is a sales incentive." which is spot-on. Many people will pre-pay for the game to get early access to the demo. I bought it for the cheaper price, but like the reward of getting early access.
women take note: "stick your active molecules in my rear slot" is the hottest thing you can say. ever.
Maybe I'll jump back in. I've played on and off for YEARS and have yet to max out my main toon. *hangs head in shame*
@Antiterra: I'll let you borrow some of mine for the PS3 hard drive tip way back when...
@KillerBee: it works for you too, then? ;)
@Ubersoldat19: lubrication, my friend, lubrication.
@Miguel Angel Portela: Plus Luke and the professor were practically coming to blows over Katia, that little slag.
atom heart mother
WHy is this book - based on a piece of digital medium - not available digitally?
@Nick Scurr: Thank you for that, as I now know the official symbol for mash-up!
way to rat 'em out, now here comes the law suit...
I like this advise, but what about the abusive boss that cuts down any comment said, and twists it in a way that is used against you? In that environment, everyone remains silent.
@marfin: for the record, I do NOT approve this comment! :P
@tiberseptim: have you heard the BBS double album by the beatles? it's all fantastic takes of R&B music!
I imagine some Otaku will make a big spectacle of going to a love hotel to their friends... then sit and play the wii for an hour or two, then leave with a new attitude that they are a man.
@Caduceus: yeah, once I read what else he had to say, I stopped caring. I can't stand when people refuse to back up their opinions, then claim they are NOT a troll. I have no problem with his opinion if he'd just back up his claim... then to go on about the LHC killing us all. I feel sorry for biting on the poisoned…
@marfin: Actually, what they did was adopt the harder R&B sound that had existed in mostly black America (especially from the south), and bring it out to the masses who were stuck listening to a controlled kind of music that the record labels were pushing at the time.