
*crosses fingers for an easy mode - dubbed "Panty-waist mode in Japan*

@teeps1981: Especially when many sects of that religious group take their beliefs to Jihad-like extremes.

*looks to Fleshbot for the "photographer's eye view" pick*

I vow not to start a new game until I beat one of my "now playing" titles.

@wahrugene: What if you got one of those one-handed RPG remotes they had years ago? Is it cool then?

I think it's ok, but I don't like the way that you don't really have a choice to over whether the movie will be blu-ray or not. If I pay the extra, I want to choose on a movie-by-movie basis whether it is blu-ray or standard def.

@IceColdEskimo: For reals! I just had mine installed last week, and already I have nothin' but tricks and ho's hanging around.

@Viet0ne: I never got around to playing it, but rumor is FFXII was a good game.

@Sam Smith: But is it real GAMER food? Is it extreme? Will it enhance my WoW leveling?

@elementary: And still the RPGers get shafted. I have a feeling Sony is behind this.

@Tyrannical: I was thinking the same thing, though the extra classes sound interesting.

Speaking of disc-free hacks, does anyone know if [freeinfosociety.com] hacks can be trusted? I want to use one for Civ4 - for convenience, I have the hard copy - but not sure how up and up they are. Anyone have any experience?

@alaren: you're AWESOME.

@Brian Crecente: ok, cool. A lot of reviews were remarking that the companion AI made some of the puzzles too difficult because the console-controlled character wouldn't go where they were supposed to.

I'm just glad to see this is hitting PSN as well. So sick of seeing exciting games (*cough Catan cough*) not even think of PSN.

@Vysion: actually, if you read gamespot's reviews, they often mention towards the end if one console has an edge... but I agre, it should be more obvious.

You're the only one who hasn't ripped the AI apart in the reviews I have read. Did you play most of this with your son? How much solo time did you do?

@Lachoy: if only I had a V-8.

@Antiterra: Not sure if you'll ever see this, but thanks a million!

Chances of this coming to the US?