Also, one or two games a year in a series isn't milking a series?
Also, one or two games a year in a series isn't milking a series?
Lego Grand Theft Auto. There's something for the kids to enjoy.
This game looks AWESOME. Please make a local version (no chance in hell)
I am freaked out by I would love to do it - both host and visit - but I am very paranoid about it. I'd really like to know some people who've done it and hear some testimonials.
iw... 3DO. get that taste out of my mouth! it burns!!
@xCruciaLx: Um... I got the MGS4 bundle, and I believe it is BC. (could be wrong) That was a new bundle released recently.
I say this with one of my best friends being French (he lives in St. Etienne): Looking at that box picture makes me want to punch a Frenchman in the face. It is very curious, this rage that wells inside of me from that picture.
Bendis is a gamer? I remember a few years ago he was bragging that he could write so many comics because he didn't play video games...
@ugly: I agree. Anyone who thinks kindly about chickens should raise a bunch. Their mean little buggers.
Keiron is AWESOME. A nice bloke, and wrote a fantastic comic known as Phonogram. GO! BUY! NOW!
I think she'll do alright... and I would prefer to look at her ;)
Yeah, I think the pricing was WAY too aggressive for a wii ware title. I mean, PSN and XBL games are priced much more competitively. I'm guessing they figured with the captive wii audience, they could gouge a little.
Ivy looks like she's ready to smack them bitches down!
meh, bring me world tournament Ms. Pac-man!
yeah, but $20 is for how much time? I mean, to get the game included... awesome. For us current players? That's more then the monthly price.
@M: If it's an exclusive to Giz, doesn't that technically give Kotaku the right... you know, same network and all.
A casual gamer won't notice the difference when you can control which direction the pieces come in? huh? That changes the dynamics COMPLETELY.
I'll see all the backseats and raise you drivers seat of an Acura Integra... while driving.
LUSH!? *bops up and down with glee*
*squints* just...can't quite... see... it....