I can’t wait to read next week’s painstaking 3000-word breakdown and still not understand what the hell actually happened.
I can’t wait to read next week’s painstaking 3000-word breakdown and still not understand what the hell actually happened.
Nah. Overwatch and Heroes are fun. Sorry you have such a bone to pick with them though. Sounds stressful.
Tell us how you really feel. Let’s bring ya out of the greys so you can let folks know, too.
Like just about everything, it was probably produced in-house.
Which really begs the question why Blizzard just makes games, and isn’t the multimedia powerhouse they could be because this this is the kind of thing they do for a dlc skin pack.
Jesus Christ in a chicken basket...did they contract an anime studio or did they do that in-house? Either/or, my eyes just exploded in a pillar of light.
Good. Here’s hoping the dude who passed Barriss the address receives similar charges.
There’s, “Oh, I’m trolling for the LOLz,” and then there’s SWATting. You call in an armed response team, you have to know there’s the potential for something to go wrong—and if you contact someone else to have them do it for you, then…
Just came to ask the same question. Kinda necessary.
Important detail they left out of the product description: Which version this applies to. 5E? 3.5?
People of Japan, we don’t like him either.
Is anyone happy with this talentless hack?
While not comforming to modern tastes, Adam driver seemed to be modeling his physique after old time circus strong men. They were certainly strong, but did not have low body fat percentages which lead to very defined (or “shredded”) looks.
Ah, memories. Losing to my buddy on a last-second goal, and then hitting him with a Trapper Keeper.
I know a lot of people will probably dog me for this, ha ha, but I liked Castlevania 2 Simon’s Quest on the NES. I acknowledge all the complaints about it, laughed hard at AVGN’s video, but I still liked it as a kid. It was definitely a Nintendo Power game though. =p
it’d be incredible if they made another Shining game like the original Shining Force games!
I went to college in 1991. My roommate had a Genesis and this was one of the games he played obsessively to its end. I can still remember the chiptune that played when he entered a tavern. I tried playing it when he was out but it was so deep and invested that I just couldn’t get far with it. But man will I remember…
God I love this game, and all the Shining Series. Played the most of Shining Force and Shining the Holy ark, but Shining Force 2, and even the Game Gear ones are just so pure and distilled rpg goodness.
All true. I grew up in a law enforcement family.
There are rules, regulations, and training programs that pertain to trigger discipline.
They fail more often than they should.
That said, if the dipshit who made the call hadn’t been butthurt over a fucking game, this particular instance of awfulness wouldn’t have…
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
Yea, Asta is a little bundle of energy and because the manga moves at warp speed there’s no scenes of him just chilling out so the anime doesn’t bother.
This article is dope.