
It’s an oil painting by the Spanish artist, Paco Pomet.

Sorry, I had to...

I can assure you, Sir, we’ve been using Toyotas as war vehicles for quite some time now.

I feel very, very small right now.

What I thought would happen in that last .gif:

Yes, absolutely.

That was a fake security guy. Obv they had permission to be up there. wow. you’re why people think reality tv is real.

Thank you very much for that message ! I am French and I appreciate it very much. France is also with you during hard moments in the USA !

We need to start getting tough with these people.

So if you’re an unwavering JoPa supporter, do you:

Well, I’m not dumb but I can’t understand
Why she walk like a woman and talk like a man
Oh my Lola. . . (the Kinks)

That’s a dude

there are! I’ve been up to Team O’Neil a few times in New Hampshire, and there’s Dirtfish in the Pacific Northwest and The Firm down in Florida.

Stuff got confused, but the local ABC station said that it is an exercise as was planned and no shooter.

This part makes me hope this is all a mis-understanding.

That’s what she said.