It’s cheaper, has a higher tops speed....and Merica.
It’s cheaper, has a higher tops speed....and Merica.
Huh, so Indycar is better.
*Takes off glasses*
Hey Chris, when EVERYBODY else is the problem, you are the problem.
Simply put, you will not believe that the drivers in this video survived the crash that they show to you.
Dude you drove off before I could update Facebook jerk.
The destruction of the Death Star was an inside insurance fraud job...
Every monsoon season, people with usually jacked-up pickups or garden-variety SUVs get towed out of washes ... usually after driving around the barricades blocking the way. Governments being what governments are, Arizona made itself a, “stupid motorist law.” Really, that’s it’s name. You go around a barricade to drive…
More Sabine, more Chris Harris
Just more Sabine. In everything.
More Sabine, less Chris.
Simple case of cops not being used to the public having dash cams yet. I’m sure if he’d noticed the cam he wouldn’t have tried such fuckery.
I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.
Buying parts from AutoZone is often a lesson in anger management and a battle against incompetence. James, an…