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    I have to go with the bug. Every desert racing car is based in some way on a VW. It’s wild to think that even in class 1, the cars still show some resemblance in the rear linkage/engine placement, aluminum skid/pan to the venerable old VW’s.

    OH MY!! I’m going to sell my 88 G50 3.2 Carrera Porsche for $15,000!! (said someone somewhere, I just need to find them, damnit)

    At least they changed the BMW design the Ural is based on a bit.

    Ha! nice

    You can drive up to 11,000 feet in Utah fairly easily.

    Yah, I’m sure over time more options will appear, but airing down a tire that starts with only and inch or two of sidewall is... “interesting” to say the least. Haha.

    Yah, but we can only blame ourselves. Not, “us” specifically, but ourselves meaning the consumer’s of 4x4’s. Apparently we want to buy rugged SUV’s on 20” wheels with quiet efficient street tires. They can’t keep them in stock at the dealers. :-(
    Which is why the average age 4x4 the instructors drive is about 25 years

    I know what you mean. My KO’s have a lot of life left on them and I am trying to will them to wear out with my mind!! Haha.
    The weakest part of every off road vehicle is the squishy bit between the seat and the steering wheel. I get that manufacturers are trying to fix that, but I agree with you, nothing works better

    Yah, I’ve killed most brands sidewalls, but always by putting it into something sharp. Haven’t had a sidewall fail on any tire in man years now. Like I said, talking about it is as productive as arguing about oil brands.

    I think they are a good tire too. In my opinion, if you’re getting flats very often on any modern offroad tire, it’s the driver, not the tire. People like to go OCD on the “perfect” tire. It’s a lot like motor oil conversations. Haha.

    8 or 10 pinz’s there as well.

    Waaaa? There were a couple dozen unimogs there. In the feature vehicle area and plenty in the camping area.

    Right on, I don’t know. I’m not very active on any forums, but I’ve been around on them a long time.

    I learn something every single time too. A day without learning something isn’t a good day at all. We had the creator of Ih8mud in the tire class and I hope that even he picked something up. He mentioned a new tire deflator brand that is about to come out so that was my learn for the day.

    No worries. I can’t stay as long as the full time trainers and it bugs me. It’s always tough to take the time off for these. Next year or maybe sometime I’ll have a smaller training and I’ll give you a heads up.

    Load range can have a lot to do with that.

    Yah, marketing info aside, the K02 will be my next tire based on speaking to the engineer for a while and then getting to play with their jeeps.

    Should be 20% more life than the KO’s. Also, less chunking

    Nope, now, even the most offroad new LR in the US had Brembo’s big enough to require 19”-20” wheels. BFG offered to kit out the Rover’s with mud terrains, but they didn’t make any that fit.

    On the plus side, the tires for reasonable sized wheels are cheaper and plentiful!