
nailed it with the lead image. We’re done here. 

But is it the best for Family?

Why not both?

Creating the situation that kills someone is the same as killing them.

Strongly agree. Then criminals may have killed a person and that would be horrible. This way the cops killed a person and we all know that’s totally fine. 

A bigot with an andouille sausage is still a bigot.

Stupid to go on the highway with a go-cart

Maybe. In this case where 5 people who knew they were being chased, 3 were caught. I wonder if it would be more or less if didn’t know anyone was on to them and the car got there slightly later. Maybe 0 maybe 4 but there was 1 death with the chase and with no chase there would have been 0.


Just follow 2 blocks away. They run when they see a cop. Stay back. The high speed is to avoid the cope following them, they don’t speed away from someone they don’t see.

The car had a tracker. They’re not getting away chase or no chase.

You kindly and quite generously overestimate the niceness of my “best car” 

I like the boldness of building something lifted with a great approach angle and then half way deciding... fuck break over angle who cares.

They have a strong point about those removable boxes and blocks all around the interior. A few beachy concepts have teased this in the past.

People always talk about a car they’d keep for the rest of their life and I think this is the one. I don’t think I’d have it long with those low Russian crash tests it screams “last car”.

I’ll make you a deal. Give me an S2000 and I might just have to cut my legs and arms to the appropriate length

Ok, let’s all wait for photoshoppers to step in so we can see this bad boy with a full height roof all the way back

Coolest thing about it is still that the seat can be moved back and forward.

Nothing offroad about that other than the flying.

So all the statement really said is no refund even though we sold you crap