
Someone who moved to the woods to be alone and drive their truck around isn’t a hypocrite for not wanting a boat load of people driving around their house. The people out in the woods aren’t anti truck they’re anti people, hence the self imposed seclusion. 

Lol, a few? You’re going to need to loop in multiple towns if you need multiple LEOs. I’m from 2 towns over and all we had was a deputy constable who could only give warnings and a constable who only left his house for the election because he’d gone bling and mostly deaf. We still voted for him every year because

2 weeks ago. They’re really common. 1 dick makes 100 reasonable look like they’re dicks too. That said the numbers are closer to 50/50 than 1 to 100. I was out on the few dry trails near me a couple weeks ago and met another rig picking up beer cans as they went (though obviously that means there were many others out

Kind of why they move to rural VT, for solitude and privacy. Not shocked they don’t want an Off-roadeo going through their backyard. Love the Bronco, and I’m from VT (15 min away, grew up skiing the mountain they want to have it at) but not at all upset about any of this. Towns can decide what events you hold in them

Love it!

I feel like watching this and not helping is like watching someone get robbed and not stepping in. At some point when someone is really in danger you’re supposed to help. 

I don’t think she was.

I thought there was proper screening and background checks.”


Yah it’s more the people than the bikes honestly.

Out of date, obsolete, oversized trash

This is definitely very similar to the point you were making even if it's not quite the same thing you said.

Most crashes are the motorcyclist’s fault”

First? Before world war II electric trucks were mass produced on a regular basis. Google milk float. Electric cars aren’t new they just took a break for over half a century.

Infinity roof = T tops or just roofless? Does a Morgan plus 4 also have an infinity roof? Does my back yard? 

a crosswalk? 830 hp and this size... you’re not any safer indoors unless you’re on the 2nd floor. This thing will come kill you in your house, at work, at the Dr. Walls are nothing to this thing

So an unarmed untrained citizen can hold an armed man who is trying to open fire for 10 minutes without anyone getting hurt but an armed trained cop somehow can’t restrain an unarmed non aggressive man without killing him?

This trash better be by the parks not in them.

Slimy loves money and doesn't care if the source is slimy

But you're only negotiating the markup down. Why not just skip it all together?