
I mean I know this is a fantasy but I like the idea of him being given a competitive car and then retiring after one more season. It would just be nice to be able to finish on a high note and have more of a fighting chance.

Oh, I thought you were just talking about how it’s just generally bad and unenjoyable. My mistake. Either way,w agree. Unreliable.

also the 500x has some really bad reliability 

If you ignore everything he said about reliable, $15k and auto it seems like the perfect car is an audi rs4. Just have 2=3x as much money and a partner who knows stick. Screw that get a ford RS200. You’re welcome.

I wouldn’t say little was done, the did a lot. They took the time to fire the people doing the investigation and to disavow it. So it’s not like they ignored it or sat back, they just chose to attempt to discredit and actively suppress the information while punishing the people who uncovered this terrorist activity.

Go karts are really fast and closer to the road than a carnival ride. That said on the road accidents do happen quite often and when they do it’s still not ok to get out slap someone and/or call them a slur (especially a child if you’re a god damned adult but even if you’re both adults). I disagree that go karts are

I think if I’d never seen this image I’d think this was a great looking and kind of interesting car. But I have seen this image and when I hear kia stinger this is what I picture in my head. Stop making concept cars with the same name as your production cars. It just sets them up to be a little of a let down.

So now they don't make three vehicles instead of not making two?

The fact that crime happens in the middle of chaos doesn’t mean BLM kills people. Good lord. By that logic the San Francisco Giants murdered 3 people when they won the world championship lol. How about Michael Jordan? When will he pay for killing those 2 men with the 1993 bulls championship riots. I mean people rioted

BLM killings?

I mean actually you just did argue that. your first comment started with normally I’d agree but and was in response to an article about how she shouldn’t be treated like an object. you can agree with the article or not agree with the article but you can’t really disagree with the article and not be a sexist.

don’t forget “murdered” but yes, wtf

SJW Karens? Huh, don’t those groups hate eachother?

Didn’t mean to argue at all. I was trying to add on. Just saying yah, people believe in angels, a LOT of people

To be clear that's not just some people, more than half of Americans. Yikes

“Are you willing to go on a cruise?”


“OK. Out of the gene pool.”

Let people back on the skips

This masculinity thing is toxic. I want to live in a world where more women feel comfortable eating only meat to make sanctimonious vegan sociologists angry. Why you gotta bring gender into this James, this could have just been a nice story about a person pissing off annoying veggie people working towards silly

The wheels are unsprung weight, the meatloaf is not. A small but meaningful difference. But yah I’m not going to notice them either.

Have you tried to do that recently? Or to buy a canoe? Turns out for some reason there are a lot of people with a lot of free time to spend outdoors in the past couple months. Something about not being allowed to go to bars and massive unemployment leads to a lot more outdoor recreation. Bike shops around me are sold