
People don’t realize how over the top hateful racist NH is. Fastest growing KKK membership per capital in the country for a while. Hateful arrogant people. Take the 1st primary away from them.

How could they Nazi this backlash coming a mile away

In fact Niemöller wasn’t actually mad at the Nazis for blogging. It was other things they did that bothered him so the context is slightly different. It’s worth a google, increasing relevant. Anyway, have a great day.

Fucking gross. Sorry I don’t have anything more constructive or eloquent to add. Not saying you can’t have bad taste just saying this is in pretty bad taste.  

I learned when I was 14 and I was an extremely uncoordinated person at that age. It took about 2 hours. It’s scary to do new things and I 100% get that but this is not a hard thing to learn. Riding a bicycle is rocket science compared to driving stick.

A loss of virtue usually starts gradually. This thing’s a snake with an apple. 

Seriously. If your right foot is always doing something is it really so much to ask that every now and then the left to tag in for a brief moment to help out?

It just looks right. Almost feels like they always should have made one of these.

What about his post said image?

I was talking about happiness. Trying to do something to be cool or because somebody else will think it’s cool probably isn’t going to get anyone there. The kids can think whatever they want about the car, it is for you not them. The point is to choose something you’re passionate about and care about that brings you

Your kids look to you as an example on how to live. Don’t be a sad dad. If you give up the things that bring you joy in your own life your child will not know how to find it in their own. Don’t screw up their priorities by screwing up your own.

I’m honestly surprised they don’t make a Mazda CX-7 currently that slides in between the two. I talked to a lot of people who say they want a CX-5 with just a little bit more space but that’s CX-7 is a lot bigger and I assume but I’m not sure it is significantly more expensive. Maybe eventually Mazda will expand to

Now I feel sad

Wtf Nordberg, if you didn't get all stabby stabby we could all see it tomorrow

Hi Tom

Way nicer car. Not as good in snow.

Beat me to it

It is a ton of work. people don't realize just how much care and love you have to put in every single day to keep something alive. On the other hand the puppy might also be high maintenance.

Oretty sure most of it did lol

Is this chassis a millennial or is it old enough to be Gen x?