
How much highway? How much traffic. That amount of power is perfectly fine for getting around but if you’re in dense traffic it might be nice to have a little bit more to get out of the way quickly if something is coming right for you. That said if only some stretches are dense traffic... Just find a different way to

Oh sweet God she’s great! This is exactly what the world needs. A 600lb $25,000 adv bike is cool and all but if I’m going camping I’d rather have this Honda. Light and manageable on the trail. Cheap enough and light enough to drop with out any issues.

Anything but the versa note. Fuck the fucking versa note! You can tell it more left or more right but it decides how much. You tell it what direction to turn it decides how sharply. An on ramp feels like a slalom as you dart the wheel back and forth grasping in vain for a consistent line through the turn. Die die die

2 hrs a day at the office or 2 at home. Either way they just get 2 they just can't see it.

Its possible to have concern for the fate of others

Unless you work in EV tech you have no right to an opinion even if policy directly impacts your life. Yup only you have a right to talk buddy.

Yikes just yikes. It’s a car blog they talk about the cars that exist. Many of them use gas

Saw the word may in the title. I have no time for may or could. If your study ends with the conclusion that something may or might not will or does... You have more study left to study.

Save it for the horse brog were talking cars here

My theory isn't fun but is likely correct. We don't prioritize mental health and people in need go untreated.

So if I stole money from a bank equaling the value of the tech he stole... 2 years in a country club prison tops right?


People will still need their cars fixed so all those mechanics are just going to be working at shops instead of dealers. Honestly people will need more cars fixed if we’re buying less new cars so service and parts people are good too. The people who are going to get hit for the hardest are the owners and the

And yet I feel nothing

Hard working decent leaches. The fact that they work hard at a job is moot if that job should not exist and costs everyone money while not delivering value to anyone. I hope they are very successful in their new career and are happy, I hate the industry not the people.

Yah fuck them for donating to charity!

Oh perfect. Totally get that bike once you have the opportunity and just ride it and the time of the day with no cars are around or better yet on scrambling back roads where there are no cars. If you're tall and a full size adult it's going to be a great bike for you. Gentle easy to learn on engine that will run for a

A bud started on one. Bit intimidating. Tall and heavy but still really easy to ride once moving. Cars kill you, just ride where they aren’t or when they aren’t if you can. 

Im on my 8 or 9 the bike. Last 3 have all been smaller and smaller. The longer i ride light is better than powerful for my preference.

Bikes are fun. Would recommend getting something smaller for a season first and moving up to this one. People tend to drop their first bike, often just moving it in the garage. always good to get that drop out of the way on a cheap bike before you buy your dream bike