
Seriously! It’s almost like everyone else doesn’t realize using technology developed after the second world war is totally cheating

You can put Alta in that pile too

Oh come on, when you bring facts in here it makes it hard for people to talk out of their ass and sounds like an authority

Wear a cup

Scram is 9k and 12 for the top of the line one.

Its like watching the middle age divorce in a tight to shirt and Oakley's slowly realize 25 year olds at the bar aren’t interested in him. Sad

Hold on, I can eat previously frozen seafood... AND watch a mentally challenged person get aids? Hello new first date spot

Looking at you hyundai.

I don’t know how in death all your sins are suddenly forgotten. How can people use the word hero or legend to describe this man after what he did. Kobe should be a pariah and thrown out for what he did. I mean seriously. Not hustling back to play defense? Truly disgusting human being. It’s not just about buckets you

Steve Jobs was a piece of shit and I’m glad he’s dead!

You see a 911 lately

I was being a dick so I deleted my comment. You can like what you like, It's none of my business.

Use adverbs they help you write more gooder

I doubt this will hurt sales. Not sure these actually get cross shopped with Teslas. these both seem like the type of car that if you’re in the market for them you’re really only in the market for one car. I could be wrong though maybe people cross shop this against the Tesla but they’re so incredibly different that

I believe they were asking how it was different not why it was different

Statistics like this are pretty meaningless. Unless there are thousands of road deaths on that road your sample size is too small for the numbers to mean anything at all. Idiotic. A man who’s flipped a coin once will insist it always comes up heads. This is just as stupid and in the same way. 

Don’t forget CT drivers. Just the worst. 

Bingo. I am allowed to go 80 but I’m weaving through people who are so bad at using their blinker they’re only allowed to go 50. 80-50=30 that’s a big delta and a hard crash if they cut you off mid pass with no warning.

To be fair the speed limit won’t either so this is moot?

Yes! Tiered licensing like Europe has for motorcycles (they wont just give a 16 yo a 180 hp 450lb rocket). Not as bad on a car but on a bike ego plus high performance (with a little youth mixed in) can be more deadly than active combat duty>