
@beowulf77: If you need the extra leg room, upgrade your ticket. If you don't upgrade your ticket, or decide that the extra cost isn't justified, don't complain. When you pay for a ticket with a reclining seat, you ARE entitled to use the reclining behavior of your seat if it is available to you.

@leeit2me: It's harmless... she's in... plane... sight?

Man... she took a melon to the melon.

@ostucla: Nice. You really nailed that delivery.

@UGAdawg: Sorry dude, but with all due respect, this is narrow minded. It's easy to say that you're going too fast if you need to slam on your brakes, but how far REALLY do you have to be before this hologram shows up? You're in love with the IDEA, not the implementation.

@sip | bearstronaut: Haven't you been around long enough to know it's just a rolling shutter artifact? lol.

@Sabithomega: "Hmm, this one was more clicky than last time..."

@the_maker12: At work, they never work for me, either... must be a corporate thing... do you work at a company that starts with "in"?

@Stem_Sell: LOL. If I were a morning coffee drinker, it'd be all over my monitor(s) at the moment.


@Knight: I was partial to the 9500np that unlocked to a full 9700p :)

Yeah, yeah, it looks like an asshole, sure, my first thought, though, was one of those holes in a baseball cap.

@Nitesh Singh: Yes, yes, I can read wikipedia, but I can't think back 10 years time and think of a common hard drive that has aluminum platters... although I guess the point of the article is to use really old, dead hard drives...

@mjschmidt: I think you mean: knot for you :)

@NCase: At the same time, having negative connotations towards having a roommate before stepping into the situation is bound to lead to failure. I know you have the ./sarcasm tag on your post, but try to be positive about it. I'm used to living alone, and really like my privacy, but having a positive outlook towards a

@Bluecold: Yep, these are likely Cherry Blues, from the "clicky" and "light action" perspective. They're good switches, but a tiny bit TOO light, IMHO. Not that I know for sure, but judging from the description...