
Yeah, I experienced a similar issue on iOS last night as well and devised a similar workaround for it. I can’t even be bothered though - I love Nintendo, and I’ve come to accept these sorts of shenanigans as par for the course when it comes to anything internet-related.

Look, a grieving widow! Now’s a great time to bring up Colorado!!!!!!

Edit: Even better .gif

Damn this is beautiful and shows how to be a real parent.

“You don’t always have to burn bridges, you can simply stop crossing them sometimes.”

Yup. Will he be abandoned by everyone? No. Will he be let go by the people who truly loved him and wanted to support him. Yes.

You need more stars. I was to tired to watch the last epp when I watched it, and it left my scratching my head. Your synopsis makes it so much cleaner. I will probably rewatch the whole series any ways. I have a feeling that are minute details that I glossed over on my first run through.

I liked the ending quite a bit but had not thought about this at all. Thank you (no pun intended) for presenting a new angle to a show that has nothing but different angles from which to look for each topic. The show was incredibly thoughtful and created thoughtful discussion, like you fully showed above.

Yeah, they absolutely missed the message.

Let me explain one little thing, and then you all can go back into panic mode.

Doesn’t this idiot know a black man only gets 87 cents for every dollar a white man would get for the same job?!?

Sounds pretty obvious he’s getting ready to emerge from the closet?

Why do “people” like you come here? Your comment & username just make you pathetic...not smart or witty or better, just absolutely pathetic. Only a complete asshole could champion taking advantage of someone due to lack of experience & knowledge....

When my mother died, all I wanted to do was to curl up and cry for days but as an only child, I had arrangements to make, people to call, it was exhausting. This is what I thought of when reading her statement. Obviously her work is on an entirely different level and I understand our losses are different but geez, if

Friends is obviously the white response to Living Single, but aren’t both of these shows just a continuation of the Golden Girls / Three’s Company formula?  How did Living Single make the mold?

Not sure this argument holds weight. WiiU performed abysmally — no raging mass of fanboys came to save it from being an abject failure. 

Sure, Nintendo gets away with everything, which is why the Gamecube and Wii U did so well. They're practically foolproof!

This. I remember being downvoted into hell in the Pokemon subreddit because I dared mention that they don’t represent the entire fanbase and they were a vocal minority. And sure enough.....

Pokemon has always, and always will be, targeted for the kids. And none of those kids care about things that riled up the haters. I think Nintendo would be more worried if long-time fans (who are not kids) were the ones happy while the kids are disinterested.