
It’s almost as if Kerr and Popovich are well informed enough about the country they live in to criticize it and would rather not speak out of their ass when it comes to a touchy subject they might not have a good grasp of the history behind. How irresponsible of them !?

I regret clicking on this bottom feeding hate-piece.

How will boycotting them not change anything? As a mass it is by very far the most effective thing American consumers could do to damage Blizzard’s bottom line. From your comments I see that you’re a faithful Blizzard Stan but denying that voting with our wallets wouldn’t work is just naive... 

The one I really don’t get is the Nuggets guy.... #5 is Will Barton which I know nothing relevant about...

I’ve also always found it pretty basic to blame the body count of any president solely on that one person. If anything it’s the broken industrial military complex that thrives on this shit and that moneymaker is bigger and stronger than any president or party....

Yeah, that's poorly worded. Agreed.

Scientific experiments Do backfire sometimes. I don’t see why telling the story of a scientific endeavor gone wrong makes it anti-science. It’s just like the premise?

Yeah because civilizations losing technological advances because of unexpected events has NEEEEVER happened .....

54 is the new 30 it seems....

These women are the top 1% female players in the world. They were probably getting gold medals for their teams on their own as kids. In all politeness, go fuck yourself with your shit take.

No, this is ONE Millennial being an ass to Gen Z. Different than MOST Boomers being twat holes to us....

Get off your high horse bud, you’re on the AV Club that’s never covered politics.

He also got ordained to be able to marry like a 100 gay couples in a single day.

I’ve been to rehab and this show has helped me hundreds of times more than certain counselors.....

He can end up happy, right?.....

(Shut up, you’re the one with watery eyes)

You have no fucking idea how much more Pop Tart flavors you guys have. It’s like your Kit Kats vs the Japanese ones....

Lee Pace played Ronin not Hammer.....

I’m really glad that Dern worked on her acting chops over the years because rewatching the original one just reminded me how every line she delivers is so damn off all the time....
Love or hate General Holdo all you want but she played that role with so much more skill than the floozy she was in Jurassic Park.

I agree with you but I think Rodman ain’t the best example of ‘’role’’ player making it. He wasn’t a great offensive threat but he was a hell of a powerhouse on his end of the court. Guy was league rebound leader for 7 consecutive seasons and ended with 5 titles....

Takashi69 will totally agree with this once he has to go through witness protection!