I'm up all night to get fluffy

Something very similar happened to me in gym class once, and I think I was only in 6th or 7th grade—I put on a t-shirt that was long enough to meet my shorts, but as soon as I raised my arms (I think we were playing basketball) it rode up a little bit. My female gym teacher pulled me aside and told me to change. I

ummm I had no idea that she continued with Heather Wells after Big Boned. This is a serious game-changer for me.

I think I remember seeing her on TRL back in the day, when she first adopted JLo, and she credited her fans as people who would shout out to her "Jenny Lo! JLo!" when they saw her on the streets of NY in her "old neighborhood." ...whether any of that is true, I have no idea, but the important thing is that this memory

The year of their college reunion is 2020 (according to wikipedia), so she could still be dead in 2030, but it doesn't really track that her kids are so indifferent if she's been dead for however long.

How did Sea World respond to Free Willy back in the day? It came out when I was a kid and I loved it, and the scene where everybody bangs on the glass is pretty traumatic, so I'm curious if anybody knows whether Sea World also disavowed Free Willy.


I find it really refreshing that nothing much was changed, given Hollywood's track record for dramatically changing the tone/feeling of movies when they are redone with an all/mostly-black cast (I'm looking at you, Death at a Funeral (UK, 2007) and Death at a Funeral (US, 2010)).

Now playing

I've loved Oscar Isaac since 10 Years, a supremely mediocre sort-of-Rom-Com-esque movie in which he sings this little ditty and wins Kate Mara's heart:

I think I read in an interview he gave once that he sings his own name so that his grandmother will recognize his songs if she's listening to the radio.

This one is by far the best I've gotten: