
I would answer your questions, but I’m a University of Phoenix alum and my brain hurts real bad...

Damn this is a really sad story. Their little blog even had maps of the routes they took. Seemed like very nice people just trying to enjoy their own life, without hurting others. Per usual, we see all the one-liners from the anonymous void, mocking the situation. What’s so funny about this? Guess I’m just not cool

I met my wife on twitter

I have Zero problems with this. This is beautiful.

He’s a hero to these people. Where else are they going to get their calorically-dense-but-nutrient-poor prepared foods? McDonalds? Wendy’s? Jack in the Box? Hardees? KFC? Burger King? Popeye’s? Pizza Hut? Domino's? Little Caesars? Dunkin’Donuts? Krispy Kreme? Jimmy Johns? Arby’s? Taco Bell?

Ignorace was Liberace’s dim-witted younger brother.

Jesus. Who’d have thunk that in 2018 America so many stupid, half-literate white people would rush desperately to the defense of an old racist rich guy who owns a totally useless business that profits by underbidding and cutting corners, who created some of the ugliest branding in the history of capitalism, who has a

The ability of Rod Taylor to say “’Negroid’ is SCIENCE!” but to use “Asian” instead of “Mongoloid” speaks exactly to the issue at play here...

“Our country is being reduced to complete and unadaltarated ignorace.”

More like Triggered Adams...

I am currently in month 2 of 3 overseas away from my family, etc. I am fortunate that I speak the language and have several friends here. It was much different 20 years ago when I was dropped off in a village by my doctoral advisor and told “Swim.” Nine months later I could passably speak the language and had made

I did my fair share of hating Deadspin through this World Cup but credit where credit’s due. Thanks Chris, for a nice recap and for noticing the fans who gave the standing ovation. I don’t even mind the blatant anti-Russia bias.

First, let me say this as a Russian, Croatian team deserves all the respect they can get.

This is bullshit, man. Did the Sixers give up when it seemed impossible to set the NBA record for longest losing streak? No, they went out and set that record, and then they broke it the very next year. Did the Browns give up on the dream of an unvictoried season after going 1-15? No, they went out and achieved.

I know how it feels. Everyone who says “I can’t imagine” is correct—you can’t. I hope Bode Miller and is family can find peace. It’s been one year and twenty-five days since my 16 year old son died and I haven’t yet. I don’t think I ever will.

FOX News: Malcolm Jenkins, pictured here kneeling during Anthem before Super Bowl LII against the Patriots,

/reads title

I’m no expert, but commenting on what a person in a potential sexual assault case is wearing is.... Odd?

I am not surprised that someone who looks like he hasn’t read a book also doesn’t know what a magazine is.

Check the time stamps buddy. Car pulls into bay at 12:54. The 2:11 time stamp is when the car is running on the lift to set the fluid level.