

Great closing paragraph in that SB Nation article you linked to

But, but.... mah deterrence!

You forgot about the mine shafts.

The second amendment amirite?

It’s ok. It turns out he was on a companion fare so this level of conduct is totally acceptable under terms of contract.

Dude is raining missiles on Syria as we speak.

I wonder what’s on Lanesplitter today? Hmm, three motorcycle crashes, two of which were not the fault of the rider. Way to go. Nothing about Chad Reed’s stunt in St Louis, no reviews on bikes or gear, nothing but crashes.

Well, at least somebody had the utmost faith in the mission…

His name is Robert Paulson.

Just so we’re all clear:

I spent my entire weekend calling in rules violations to the LPGA, so it was nice being able to take this game off. Good job refs.

These UNC players deserve a break from school. They should give the kids who write their papers the week off.

Oh sure, I bet you think all CEOs look alike.

Oh now you’ve gone and done it.

Wait, since when was WrestleMania on Fox News?

Get over it, snowflake! Trump won WrestleMania 23.

Does anyone out there actually have a 9 to 5 job? I mean, other than the current President.

What are “masculine sports”?

For such a smart man you seem to accept our biological destiny without question.