
Don’t let their kids get beat up facility! What is not understand for this?

Btw, I’m not kidding. I’m doing this thing.

You made sense of it with your quantitative modifier “more”

Of course, in that (purely hypothetical!) case, this performance would reveal our (purely hypothetical!) celebrity to be an extremely gross phony.

You mean the red octagonal thing on the right?

Yes, these libtards in Flint only wants to get the government to provide them with free bottles of Perrier.

“But it’s a *dry* indifference”

Trees only exists to be transformed in beautiful clean wood charcoal briquettes so you can cook yourself a well done steak and eat it with ketchup, as God intended.

“I’m not racist, I have a black passenger seat.”

Are we sure these aren’t just fat dolphins?

It takes a special lack of skill and awareness to do it. Try drinking a fifth of Everclear then cutting a tie rod on your car to simulate the experience.

According to that scale on your map, planes are also much bigger today than they used to be.

Maybe I’m wrong, but the volume of air gas coming out of the tail pipe should be quite a bit more than the air going into the intake. I didn’t see him address that at all. He simply calculated the volume based on the displacement * rpm to get the output.

Mustang Dynos often read low or high. There are numerous factors that could explain this scenario.

(whispers) If you want it to be.

I’m guessing those household names are Noam Chomsky & Garrison Keillor.

six years on one count of violating Georgia’s street gang act

Umm... Is that a roll of “Life Savers”?

The US military’s absolute disregard for wildlife, and in this case marine life is appalling. I won’t repeat the excellent points others have already made, but I will relate an example: a couple of months ago the news in my area reported an earthquake. Pretty unusual for South Florida, to say the least. A few days

Is your anxiety bad? I’m sure it’s not severe but I bet it’s never been this bad. Hopefully, your mother’s involved and worried about how to make you feel better.