
It’s a bit hard to summon any enthusiasm for a car that is a bit more powerful than a Hellcat and will probably be driven by someone that I consider an asshole.

“Hmm, yes, let’s ignore the president of the United States, that’ll stop him.”

bronze is an alloy you boron.

Ummm, bronze isn’t an element. It is made up of copper, tin and other trace elements. So you’re still at 14. Keep googling buddy!

Rajon Rondos all the way down...

yeah, because they don’t cover “the earth is round” until your 4th year at Duke.

Polymer engineer?

It’s a joke, Hal. And open the pod bay doors already.

Why is this on my car blog?!?!?

The Republicans aren’t Nazis. The Nazis believed in science.

That is 100% not what power and torque look like plotted together on the same graph. It’s hand drawn. I’m an automotive engineer and have looked at way too many power/torque vs. time graphs.

Nonsense, man with speech impediment — the 1995 Neon was a reliable vehicle, much to ever owner’s dismay.

Maybe they should use all that R&D funding on building something that will actually have decent build quality and reliability? Ah fuck it.


Force... my bad.

Body is all clogged up with bones. Sad!

Honestly now is the best time for this guy’s long-awaited comeback. With more and more regulations getting eradicated by the new administration in the White House, Tiger can finally get surgery to replace most of his bones with golf clubs. In a lot of ways, burdensome bone regulations are the thing that has been

I had a customer come in to buy an H2 as a tow rig for his toy trailer. He arrived in a yellow 550 with his son (about 11- or 12-year-old)

Guess they finally tapped out the whole lucrative “fat people who frequent amusement parks” demo

We could border the safe zones with red lines. If Assad crossed those red lines, he’d be sorry.