
Kinda guy you could grab a beer whole buncha Vicodin with.

I know an oncologist, can I be head of oncology at Yale?

I’m watching Westworld on DVR, I think I’m five episodes in. There is not way in hell that I’ll trust a driverless car (as in, I’m the only person in the car and I’m in the back seat) after seeing this show.

Did you try to explain it?

My only solace is that they will never know the joys of driving vast distances for no reason with several of your best (and thus worst) friends in a 1987 Cavalier and loving every moment of it. Also, finding 108 cents in the cushions and pulling over for some awful yet satisfying fast food.

who’s this not wearing any pants?

He is the president

$hillary and Podesta worked this out over pizza at the week-end after discussing this month’s child-trafficking profits, and had Bill tell Loretta Lynch to send an FBI team in and make it look like insurance fraud to discredit the Trump team…


the only people who talk about safe spaces are people who misunderstood them in their context (IE - mutually agreed upon in an AA meeting to prevent judgment) to demonize an essentially non-existent Other. the same goes for pejoratives like “SJW” which maybe applied to two whole people on tumblr before the Don

Anyone with confidence in our “key institutions” is a complete twit

Somebody needs to put this plow driver in touch with Cadillac. He seems like just the right sort of “real people” they’re looking for in their new advertising blitz

Some of my favorite people are cocksuckers.

Reporter: “First take the plank out of your eye so that you can see clearly to remove the speck in your brother’s eye.”

small businesses around america say they need help to survive in an increasingly hostile business environment, but let me ask my small business owner friends this: why haven’t you injected your employees with steroids and forced them to battle each other on top of ladders while wearing thongs?

(BTW, tomorrow is is the 36th anniversary of John being shot dead.)

Cite something, anything.

When I voted for Trump to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN I thought he was going to make America’s Team, THE YANKEES, great again, not these liberal fawck-tawds on Yawkey Way.

Please do not credit Obama with indigenous struggle and victory against this pipeline. He did absolutely nothing and has said nothing to help.