
Bear down.

Another white guy in the comments above wants Gronkowski and Lynch to have “like, a talk show, or something”.

Sounds like “chemistry explained” needs to do a follow up video.

The system is down

Spoken like someone who has never lived a day in their life. Have fun in your office on Monday.


The article had nothing to do with how fast she is. It was about her advocating for sponsors aimed at NASCAR’s female audience. I would say your comment is more ignorant than sexist.

Tampons don’t have a captive market. Bro, do you even Diva cup?

“Now, who will drive the truck while he publicizes, err, I mean, Periscopes from the motor home remains to be seen”

I found the reason: $

Anyone else notice the fight was stopped after a flurry if missed punches? Kind of weird.

Well, she is married to a Cardinals fan in Kentucky...

Yeah, but voting doesn’t change the fact that we have this many bigots still in our society.

If you look at where we were when we landed on the moon, it kinda makes sense. Our priorities are all fucked up.

I’d actually pay $100 to watch Malignaggi beat the shit out of Dana White in HD.

The crazier part is that she is a Jew.

You did not have this beat.

I’ve picked my wife up from the service department at a BMW dealership in north scottsdale in my lowered ‘66 GMC ratrod a few times. The straight pipes set off a few car alarms once. The kids fetching cars loved it.

Any non-moron could see he had suffered a fairly traumatic head injury. Your average UFC fan just thought he was being a dick or “a woman”.

I played highschool sports in the ‘00s. Most still thought that way. I was knocked unconscious in a football game. Luckily the trainor for the school we were at had half a brain and took my helmet away. My couch started yelling at me later in the game as he wanted to put me back in but I had no idea where my helmet