
What would you rate Lufthansa? I don’t fly nearly as much as you, but I’ve travelled more than most people with two kids (back and forth to Europe once a year) and United is the worst airline I’ve ever flown on. I flew Alaska once on a flight to Alaska, but I don’t remember the flight at all which I guess means it

Uhhhhh, John McCain, the guy who brought Sarah Palin into the limelight, is ranked 9th...

Now I miss the $800 Loyale I used to have.

Do you eat at PF Chang’s a lot?

Yeah, and that guy was cool as a cucumber afterwards. They were more excited about losing a wheel bearing on the highway. He also executed a successful fist bump.

Most turbocharged engines have cats on the downpipe which is where the exhaust ultimately exits the engine.

Yeah, but they’re in Phoenix which is touching 100F degree temps already and is in the same time zone now.

Well, it in 60F in LA tonight and The east coast just got hit by a blizzard last week, so there’s a reason.

In wonder is Jurickson has ever been to the Netherlands.

My friend’s dad in high school waited a year or two for body panels for his Aston Martin. The nearest dealership was a few hundred miles away in another state.

+10 uhnnngggs

There’s been weirder overlap with neonazi groups in the past.

Also, in a shit situation like this, I’d rather have the one bullet fired hit me rather than a bunch fired while my kids and wife are sitting next to me.

Why hello, there.

+ a 120F August day.

Lead is a hoax

That’s not how free speech works...

Thanks for all the fish!

African-American Elon Musk