
+1 computer virus

+1 bottle of Popovs

That’s riidiculous. He’s going to be made czar of “The Cyber”.

You think Tyler leaned conservative? I’m not conservative, but I always thought if he leaned anywhere, it was too the left. Interesting.

The first is the Universal Japanese Motorcycle, or UJM. That’s pretty self explanatory. It is just a motorcycle. That’s it. Designed for daily use, and to be practical in most situations. Not the fastest, not the most luxurious, just a simple, utilitarian machine. Think of the Honda CB750.

Both Willy’s and Ford built the first Jeeps as part of the original government contracts. The final grill design was even based on a Ford design.

Cold War is over guys, who should we hate now...

+1 quack

+1 hunting for buffalo while your whole family dies of dynentery

French and Spanish, while both Romance languages, are nothing alike. Spanish also won’t help you much with Portuguese either. I have a Brazilian friend and he has a hard time understanding Portuguese speakers from Portugal even though they technically the same language.

Manual Jeep!

If she works really hard she may one get to piss on a US president!

Scum? Man’s a goddamn hero.

It’s actually a CL. The only difference is the high exhaust, a bit larger front wheel, and a bit different gearing.

I don’t think either of them are allowed in Tucson.

No, they don’t make them anywhere. I’m gonna find an old beat up one and fix it up.

Yep, I’ve been using that stuff for years, and it has always held up well. I’ve used it in everything from old motorcycles to modern turbocharged cars.

Yeah, I give my buddies with Harleys shit for their leaky bikes. Meanwhile I’m scouring Craigslist for a cheapish HD as my next project.

I’m thinking about picking up an old Trail 90 to fix up with them and let them ride when we go camping.