
Says the guy who recommended a coupe when the guy is looking for a sedan.

Bright cars unite!

Plus they can’t build trucks in Mexico and import them here, because...of a tariff! Amazing!

It’s the year 2017, not 1717.

Not so fast

Yeah, why would someone build a hot rod with such a harsh ride?

You sure you’re in Brooklyn? Lots of hats, lots of beards, lots of old-timey coats. And these guys were definitely doing it before it was cool.

Don’t tell the Orthodox community Trump doesn’t consider them white, they won’t believe you.

What’s really interesting is that the “pay more, buy local” people you see at your average farmer’s market are not the people you’d associate with voting for Trump. My local WalMart is filled with Trump bumper stickers despite being stocked with mostly Chinese made goods.

Very true. However, I’d say they have a higher likelihood of moving to the Salt River Reservation than Montreal or Omaha.

No doubt. I was using my motorcycle experience as an example of how hot the street gets after sitting in 110F+ weather all day. My point was that it would be odd for them to close down a major airport for 108F temps when it reaches those temps pretty much every single day from June through August. We were still

For being a transplant, your take is very accurate.

That’s weird, because it reaches that temp fairly regularly during the summer. I was riding my motorcycle on a 120F day this past summer and I thought I caught fire for a second. Like, my legs started burning and I actually thought I was on fire for a second. That tarmac must have gotten pretty hot.

I wish more Californians had this attitude. I have no idea where the A’s/Diamondbacks animosity is coming from, but I wish more Californians hated Arizona. Going to a Dodgers/Diamondbacks game is a fucking nightmare.

I heard an interview with the guy. It was great. He basically said the Diamondbacks were trying to screw the county, which doesn’t even make very much off the team. He was on his way out and didn’t care about pissing anyone off. He even proposed transferring stadium rights to the city since that’s who sees most of

Tucson didn’t want to shell out money to keep Cactus League teams. They sure as shit aren’t gonna pay for the Diamondbacks.

Tucson couldn’t even support Cactus League teams...

I could see them getting a stadium on the salt River Indian Reservation which borders Scottsdale. It already has a casino, hotels, and a stadium complex that they use for spring training. There’s plenty of land to build a stadium.

Yeah, why don’t all those kids on the res just go to law school? What a bunch of morons!

You know dumb white people said the same thing about MLK back in the day, right?