
When were they ever not “storm troopers” in the US? I live in the west, and LEOs have been storm troopers here since their inception.

Depends where you are. I saw quite a few cops with guns in London, some even had rifles.

I LOVE the model X. I find it gorgeous and understated like a 1960s 911.


+1 pair of Wranglers

I know this may sound crazy to someone who “just follows orders (protocol)”, but sometimes you have to be a bit creative if you see something isn’t working regardless of who’s at fault. People obviously weren’t seeing the cones in time. Maybe just put some on the crest of the hill in order to give people a bit more

Sounds like somebody needs a safe space.

Just being from Detroit made old Benny Carson, MD, qualified to be head of HUD, so I’d say yes!

Hopefully he understands more about what the DOE does than you.

Stay classy, front page. I don’t think high schoolers even throw that word around anymore.

Funny that the guy talking about being afraid of Muslims is chastising someone else for being TRIGGERED. You two should go off and take turns TRIGGERING each other.

Might want to ask John McCain that, as I just heard him calling for a Congressional investigation into the election hacking this morning.

You’re going to hunt strippers?

Ever see us in a room together?

What the fuck did you do to that chicken before eating those eggs?

Trump’s new transportation secretary!

But is it kosher?

They could just stick a different body on a Jeep Unlimited.

That’s ridiculous. Everyone knows smog is just a Chinese conspiracy.

Now that’s what I call drift mode!