
Very true

Because people like familiarity.

There’s still lots of great wilderness areas. They’re just small and hard to find. Don’t fucking write about them either or they’ll quickly be ruined.

Yeah, but doesn’t Zanardi ride bikes now?

I’m pretty sure the whole point of the GT-R is that it has so many gizmos that it basically drives itself.

If you hire private contractors, then you aren’t responsible for what they do. Hence why the DOD hires private contractors overseas. It’s a sketchy way to run a business.

Is reading comprehension the 6th sense?

You’re telling me there’s no cement steps to drive up when you’re “offroad”?

That was the most German explanation of a barrel roll I’ve ever heard.

Right? I scraped my rear dif driving over a parking block the other day in the Starbucks parking lot!

My Jeep laughs at you saying your $120k+ is the worst driving modern vehicle. It then laughs at your G Wagon for having to sit in coffee shop parking lots all day while it is out making use of its uncomfortable hardware.

The FEMA camps will only be serving frozen bean and cheese burritos.

That’s called a wrap. Or as I refer to them, gringo burritos

How bad do you want one of those Merc El Caminos right now? Because I’m about to fly to Buenos Aires and find one.

This is next level trolling. I like it.

As a non Christian, I actually really appreciate that he presents it in this way. Telling someone they’re going to burn for eternity because they don’t believe the same things as you should always be done in the douchiest way possible.

Sleek? Looks pretty bulbous and swollen to me.

+1 battered testicle


A cheque? What are you, 80? A guy walking around paying for things with cheques he keeps in his pocket doesn’t sound very serious.