
You must have missed all the stickers on the back window.

Freddie doesn’t know how low RPM back pressure works. He comes from the fart can crowd.

That’s not the first Honda sold in America.

I want my backyard to be filled with old motorcycles.

Enkei makes OEM wheels for a lot of manufacturers.

I thought it was one of those ads disguised as an article. Is it not?

Well, since no one knows where Trump’s ‘95 tax returns came from, you can’t say they were stolen. If the IRS leaked them, then they weren’t stolen. If an old accountant leaked a copy of them, then they weren’t stolen. You guys really are slow.

Picking a bland candidate would do the opposite of dissuading someone from whacking you. If that were the plan she would have named Obama as her VP.

Exactly. It’s the guys going for an MBA who need to study it in order to understand it.

We already can produce fusion reactions as well, they’re just in the form of a hydrogen bomb. That’s basically what they’re doing here, but in a much more controlled and contained manner. They’re using a primary nuclear fission reaction in order to produce energy to power a nuclear fusion reaction.

You can’t use the term neoliberal around Americans. They’re liable to think he’s some sort of communist.

On top? Looks to me like Canada is the meat in an American sandwich.

If I was to ask a large group of Americans their opinions regarding a racist caricature, I would definitely take their ethnic heritage into account.

The fact you think it even makes sense to classify all 562 tribes in the US together as “native american” and to treat them as a monolithic bloc shows even further you’re talking out your ass. Like I said before, go back and think about why tribe on a reservation using the term “redskin” might be a little different

Mike Tyson also groped children, beat up old women, and bit grown men. The ability to kick someone’s ass doesn’t make you a badass.

They aren’t unaware of it, they just don’t care. You should see the open racism that still exist within white communities that live near reservations.

Mesa, AZ? You don’t even know where they’re actually from, so maybe figure that out first. Once you figure that out, you can try to figure why what they’re doing is a whole lot different than what the Cleveland Indians or Washington Redskins are doing.

Kubrick then put the whole movie on hold while Ermey recovered from a car accident.

Yeah, the drug of choice of sorority girls and rich businessmen. Real badass.

Being a racist and beating up immigrants makes you a badass? Huh.