
Yeah, but the Cubs are Trump fans.

And when it hits 10mpg, Trump starts thinking about fucking it.

This is FCA were talking about here. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is actually how it’s supposed to fit.

Unless you kill someone, they’re probably not bringing out a crash investigation team to someone driving their Nissan into a ditch. If you do kill someone, you’re getting sued whether or not your dif is welded.

He was living in a bedroom at his parents in New Jersey with his wife...


Endo for bicycles, stoppie for motos.

I want to see them do it with a Wrangler and immediately roll the thing over. That guy should probably replace his bike helmet with a real helmet first.

You can buy a made to measure suite for $600?

They don’t have to pay for the factory to stay open/materials, just the salaries. What doesn’t sound right about it.

I’ve seen Teslas being driven all over the world, and just saw a supercharging station in Blanding, UT (middle of nowhere). I think they’ve passed the gimmick/toy categorey at this point.

The MSRP on the A3 starts at $31k, so you could probably swing one fkr $29k, especially if it’s old stock.

The only time I beat you is when I got a proper start...

Is Ren and Stimpy not a millennial thing? I thought I was a millennial and I grew up watching Ren and Stimpy. I even had the Game Gear game.

You know that people had already been living in those places for millennia, right?

The Cube was discontinued in the US two years ago.

I see a lot of businessmen in the SW with them. Theres a whole macho thing associated with them.

These guys would love to control women’s bodies. So in a way he’s voting for his own interests. Guys like this are scumbags.

Checked with Hennessy to see how strong the engines were, huh?

As a parent of two, your parents should be given a goddamn Nobel prize for dealing with that situation in a productive and thought out manner.