
If he wins in November, it will be historic in the same way an original Hitler is historic.

Unless you think you’ll be found not guilty. Remember, this hasn’t even gone to trial yet. I find it pretty alarming that your assets can be frozen despite not having been found guilty of anything.

Da fuq?

Well, if the guy stealing it had even half a brain, he would have removed the placards so as not to attract attention to himself. He obviously didn’t think about the GPS unit installed in the truck.

I’m sure Phoenix PD will take care of it for you! They’ll be sure to dump this bad boy in the middle of downtown Phoenix during rush hour.

I think this is the same guy who called a police chase last week like it was a wet t-shirt contest at Twin Peaks, only for it to end with the cops lighting the driver up with rifle fire on live television. He’s going with a tamer take this week.

When I played football at that age, we still had weight classes. I guess they don’t do that in rugby.

Who the fuck is the dude narrating this thing?

Yep. As a 2 door Jeep owner in the SW, I hardly see any 2 door Jeeps. Tons of four door Jeeps, though. Of course I also rarely see any dirty Jeeps except for mine.

Everything about this picture says, “driving in the left lane at fifteen under the speed limit”.

It sucks, as it drives!

You’re like a Jalop Dr. Seuss.

Why not just buy a Jeep?

Lefties? Where I live the righties are the law and order type. Maybe it’s opposite because they’re in the southern hemisphere?

You do not want to mess with Australian highway patrol

Really thankful that I have friends and family who appreciate me and give me a purpose in life. It would be awful if the only way I felt my life had purpose was through my job.

Now we know you’re an actual doctor!

Yeah, my manual Jeep Wrangler will bounce you against the seat a lot harder than a Tesla if I dump the clutch in first.

Kid panics, jumps out, gets leg run over by rear wheel. Then he’ll really be [american flag] STOKED!

I’d love to be one of the cars trying to drive in traffic with this guy. It’s my favorite when people keep rapidly changing speed.