
I get that it probably doesn’t cost them all that much, but consider this scenario.

Shouldn’t it have been in French as well?

Dingers can’t melt steel beams.

Yep, I've had that happen a few times. One of my belts now has a pink button. When I asked my daughter she said she wanted a pink button. I was like please for the love of god don't touch that goddamn button.

It's dumb that Tesla would use two different colors. I think red buttons is a good idea.

Why is that dumb? European cities have pedestrians everywhere.

Fuck that.

To be fair, Cuba was Miami Beach before it wasn’t Miami Beach.

No self respecting Parisian would use a microwave.


Yes, which is why it’s ignorant to say the government is out to get so-and-so company.

Looks like they made that screen even larger.

I try to give Lanesplitter readers a little more credit, and hope that they can read between the lines a little bit. You’ve shown me I shouldn’t.

The same government that is giving SpaceX government contracts?


Here, I’ll spell it out for you:

I mean it’s really dumb that they would make a non red one for the US when they sell the car overseas. How are you supposed to find the buckle when autopilot drives you into the Seine?

Yeah, Tesla interiors definitely aren’t filled with excess visual crap. Like a fucking iPad on the center consul.

That’s really dumb.

Either that or he’s just incredibly fucking lazy, and I don’t think that’s the case.