
What do live in the boonies? People park on the side of public roads all the time. Literally billions of people do this worldwide.

Nothing, if you like having a hole o throw money into.

Alright there, Mark, sir.

Commercial has nothing to do with it. The 1st Amendment applies to commercial “speech”. Corporations are people, my friend!

I once stuffed a used door in the trunk of my wife’s 335d for my E30. Had to bungy it shut, but the door still stuck out a foot.

Not really, because they broke her $1,500 camera before this one : (

You get insurance on your actual equipment. My wife has a $3k camera and I have two small children. You bet your ass I insured that thing.

Well, generally only idiot own boats and have 6+ kids.


That was one angry Snorlax!

Always get insurance on high priced photog equipment!

Real freedom is having to worry about whether the guy road raging at you might pull out a gun. ‘MURICA!!!!

Every starving male in college knows their dick is filled with money.

You realize it is perfectly legal to take photos in public areas, right?

You’re actually a Mustang, aren’t you?

I saw that the Animaniacs were on Netflix, so I turned it on for my kids. I then realized that it was clearly not written for children, and had a great time watching it.

Anal Scion

I told my students this once, and one of them immediately blurted out, “what about Bob Dylan?” First I was like, wow you know who Bob Dylan is, then I had to think on it for a bit.

Most open carry states have pretty lax concealed carry requirements. Shit, in my state the only requirement to conceal carry is that you’ve lived twenty-one years without being found guilty of a felony.

Because people who actually have a life don’t have time to suffer fools. The guy recording clearly has better things to do with his time as he did everything to keep him and his buddies from getting into it with this guy.