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The best fight night baseball has ever seen had Jeff Nelson and Karim Garcia fighting a groundskeeper in the bullpen.

Right? I looked up a picture of the guy expecting him to have some full body Romper Stomper style skeleton. Instead it’s your pretty run of the mill tribal arm tattoos. They were probably more shocked about half of his face being torn off. Pretty tame by American standards.

Yeah, people in Detroit aren’t used to seeing tattoos...

If you liked that video, check out Road on Netflix. It’s about the two sets of Dunlop brothers. They’re an Irish road racing family

There it is!

Never realized that Kimbo was like the early 2000's YouTube version of Ali, except, like, the opposite.

Thank you! Everyone knows actors are real people! #thespianlivesmatter

He was so mean he made medicine sick.

Hey, I heard Wal Mart is bringing the smiley face back!

Not much badonk on that one.

It’s the difference between modifying a car because it makes you feel good, and modifying a car in order to impress people.

I didn’t dismiss him as a boxer. Also, despite having grown up in poverty and seen some shit, the guy had all the resources in the world with which to live a positive life. No one robbed him of anything. Having met him in person, I can tell you that anything he says shouldn’t really be analyzed too hard.

Yeah, I guess I just don’t see the taunting and dancing as mean. It’s showmanship. He wasn’t hitting people below the belt, biting them, stepping on them etc. I feel Mike Tyson probably has a somewhat infantile view of meanness. An adult taunting another adult in a sports setting just isn’t the definition of mean to

To be fair to me, Mike Tyson never fought him either.

a full size station wagon that’s acceptable in modern society

I love this guy. The Petrolicious episode with him is one of their best. They capture the spirit of this car perfectly.

“What I learned from Ali was meanness,” said Tyson. “He was the meanest fighter of all time.”

It smacks of paternalism that anyone would think they know better than a mentally competent adult what treatment they need or what symptoms they may or may not be having.

What do you mean the wagon fetish is a lie? There's a whole culture of wagon lovers out there. Most wagon guys I know like building there own stuff though.