Dino Ironbody

I think people watching a Dave Chappelle special know what they’re in for, so I wonder how much he really emboldened them as opposed to him simply reflecting what they already think. I doubt Netflix removing it would cause his fans to rethink their stances.

There are a lot of studies on that sort of thing. If you’ve seen and remember any specific examples to support your point then I think it would be helpful to cite them so I don’t have to look through every study on the subject.

Does “normalize” mean actually changing people’s views?


I think people frequently overestimate how much the media influences people.

In what way do they make life harder other than the offensiveness of the statements themselves?

I’m 34.

Who do you trust to decide what hate speech is?

I can see the Looney Tunes-style hole in the comments section Laserface made in his rush to reply to this comment.

As wrong as what Chappelle said is, some of the calls to take his special down sound to me like they’re using “video games cause violence” logic.

Is that really what people think Bojack is like?

Is this a short-lived Tina Fey sitcom? Because this is great news!

Torgo, is that you?

One thing I wonder is what’s the most an A.V. Club review(doesn’t have to be for a movie) has ever differed from the critical consensus.

“Oppenheimer is fission for Oscars”

“You’re listening to WITE.”

There were a few times I referenced her specifically but mostly I was talking about anti-vaccers in general. I don’t see where you got the idea that this was all some kind of smokescreen for defending her specifically. Also, you might wanna look up the definition of the word “gaslight.”

You had a problem with me not sticking exactly to the article topic.

Clearly you weren’t invited to the pants party.

Tatiana Maslany