
There's a point to Kinja? Because it's failing miserably. Comments around here were 200x better a couple years ago. Old articles popping up make it all too obvious.

I would never mix breast milk and Sprite. Mountain Dew is the only soda that goes with breast milk. Everybody knows that.

Aren't they being merged with American? Its like Alien and Predator joining forces but with more flight delays.

I love when people say women are going to "get themselves pregnant", like we are those frogs they used to fill in the dino DNA gaps in Jurassic Park

You know that EVERY SINGLE ONE of these dragons has at least two kids, a stay at home wife, and a mistress.

Pray, pray hard, pray to every flying rabbit & spaghetti-monster in your canon.... it might NOT just be restricted to Florida, if this wackadoodle antichoice stooge gets her way.

I definitely think you should model it here - it is probably fabulous!

AIDS research is already loosing valuable doctors to other more profitable research. Now an asshole shot the ones willing to tackle it out of the sky. Not to mention the saint Dr. Lange and Jacqueline van Tongeren giving voice for the poor unable to pay for life saving medication. Everyone aboard was valuable and my

Cue to some nutcases on my FB feed who are suspecting a conspiracy BECAUSE there were 108 prominent aids researchers on board. Like, aids equals gays equals Putin hates the gays equals he wants to kill the gays equals he must have shot this plane from the sky because evil.

I feel sick. Just, that's all I have. Every life lost is sad, but how doubly tragic that so many of these people had so much yet to contribute to saving so many, many others.

Dehydration plays a role (caffeine in soda and energy drinks being both a stimulant and a diuretic), but high-protein diets are extraordinarily prone to kidney stones as well.

Right?? I will probably vote for either Martha Coakley or Steve Grossman.

One of the best Macs ever built. Wish I hadn't sold mine.

Hot damn, do I love my state. Glad I'm here since the number of states I can move to is dwindling.

They're not the only ones. Salmon, tuna, and swordfish, among other sea creatures we like to eat, also keep jellyfish populations in check. Worth considering next time you're choosing between wild-caught Pacific salmon or something terrestrial for dinner.

Not all together a horrible idea. But, not artfully done. The "just dump trash on top of it" cake decorating technique. Instantly thought of this gem:

...and noted Veela Gwyneth Paltrow