
“crossovers so that Average Joe Plumber American will buy their cars thereby subsidizing their enthusiast offerings....”

US auto policies don’t go that high, you’d need a separate umbrella policy to cover losses above $500k. This plan includes more insurance than most Americans probably purchase.

Hopefully if anyone gets anything out of this thread its that VW should make a GTI wagon and sell it for under $30k

That color IS gorgeous though.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

What if people just want to drive what they enjoy, and have their own money to do so? Is that OK?

My old man is taking delivery of his 2018 GT3 next year and it will be his third Porsche GT car. He tracks them all religiously, drives his GT4 to work every day, and smiles often.

What I picture when I see three figure horsepower gain “kits”


A blog contributor surely knows better than the millionaire and billionaire VCs funding Uber though, right?

This was a horrible horrible article that made me hate my life. Also, totally enjoyed reading it.

Asshole before and after prison.

When I get loaded, people call me “sir” all the time. Usually in the context of “please calm down, sir” or “sir, you will need to get down from the table”

I mean, just because the herd thinks something is cool doesn’t mean it is. We have morons running around pretending to have gluten allergies and electing Trump as president. The vast majority of people think boring ass crossovers are the best kind of car.

Uh, the Viper is their road course car. It’s beaten the 918 and P1 for a 1/10 of the price...

Friend got Audi A7 as daily driver. Because he is crazy, and crazy about italian cars (he is Ferrari owner), he upgraded his daily driver and bought Maserati Ghibli. He drives a lot for business, lots of miles. Anyway. Now like 12 maybe 14 months later, he drives Audi A7 again as a daily driver. I asked him why? He

Oh I definitely went with the track pack so no issues here.

But...but...but...this is Jalopnik. Isn’t the correct response to ask how many used Miatas you can buy with the refund?

*Ford offers GT350 with either Track Pack(which includes the trans/diff coolers) or Tech Pack*