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    yea acela between stamford to boston or stamford to wilmington which i do 10-20 times a year is super convenient relative to driving i95. sure, the onboard wifi could be better but otherwise its a pretty pleasant experience

    at the risk of drawing ire of the comments section...

    yet another reason i stopped commuting into midtown for work. i loath manhattan so much, we just dont have as much tech concentration as SF does to drive the office occupancy rates as low as it is there but one can dream!

    they are indeed as good as advertised and the article states. coming up on 4 years with mine

    those companies damn sure knew what they were doing. they hired enough to keep up with exploding demand to maximize revenue at the time and cut expenses when it dropped. you only hear the ceo’s saying ‘i take full responsibility for mismanaging our hiring situation’ because they’re not going to admit they treat humans

    how you can improve your lap time, such as braking earlier”

    Initially, he says he was told it would take 12 weeks, but two years later, the work still wasn’t completed.”

    sorry but a 2017 evora 400 is 90% the same car for about half the price. much better value. i dont know who is in the lotus market for an updated interior

    i agree. like mine does!

    thing you meant “bmw accountants do not”?

    so do I get a $500 tax refund from whatever state I am leaving since I paid for infrastructure I am no longer using anymore then?

    that price is exactly what the starting price of the FF in 2012 was adjusted for inflation to today so at least they’re consistent

    wealthfront pays 4.1%!

    ferrari FF. between a guaranteed to fail dct transmission and a ptu (front wheel drive system) as well as ceramic brake bolts that rust and host of other expensive common issues you’re spending the price of a lightly used M3 just in repairs

    not that they are fairing much better but i thought vroom would have gone belly up before carvana did

    If that Cat 3 comes at a reasonable price, maybe we’ll finally begin to see the end of 2JZ Supremacy in the tuner scene”

    those wheels are so classic!

    i love how it took them longer to pull out of russia than twitter and we’re supposed to cheer their heroism

    absolutely nothing.