
I think the crux here is nobody has made an accusation publicly to stand behind.

Substitute ancient Greece for modern Cincinnati

I’m a professor of economics, and that story is dumber than anything I’ve ever heard from my undergrads.

It’s also a neat monetary fact that, if you start with a penny and double it every day for an entire month, at the end of the month Sarah Huckabee Sanders will still be a total asshole.

Incidentally, I have been buying a helluva lot more beer under this administration.

Last guy, D. What the fuck! Isn’t the whole point of going out that everyone can get what they want?

this is incredibly good. where’s the real Norm Charlatan?

Meanwhile, KaepLifestyle.com remains down from a coordinated denial of service attack.

I doubt it happens, but I’d love it if the Pats brought in Kaep. Let’s consider:

It’s like the cops in Vancouver don’t understand the First Amendment.

Oy vey, what a chutzpah this guy is. If Eli Manning had “jew luck”, do you really think he’d be such a shlemiel? This meshugener is full of bubke; Eli’s a goy if I ever saw one.

Pfft. My daughter emerged from the womb with her hand over her heart, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance perfectly. #notallbabies

When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But

Dude walked off the job in the most literal sense, and is worried about getting blackballed? Whoever assigns/hires the refs for high school football probably ranks “might not actually work” pretty among the reasons not to give someone a game I would think.

Balls in your court Cowgirls. Does Jeruh rule you?

Can we get a list of the white morons that chose to stand?

It’s almost as though these owners see their teams as the modern day plantations and their players the modern day cotton pickers. What a surprise!

Wow, it’s almost like the protests, like the national anthem itself, have nothing to do with the troops and everything to do with the dehumanization of black people. Who knew!

Holy fuck can you imagine if the two college teams in the final just refused to play?

I was hoping for a mass kneeling by Cowboys players just to fuck with Jerry Jones. I’d love to see him have to forfeit a fucking game.