
But there's no bread! So it's lower in carbs! So it's healthy!

Ken Griffey, Jr has the sweetest swing — it looks effortless. Heyward's swing looks like a methed-up Hells Angel busting some heads in a bar fight. He didn't hit the home run, he bashed its little skull in.

Let's stop the hyperbole. Last night was just a game...

And white players. Lots of white players are cool.

It really was a great story, but until we hear from the wife, it's not the whole story. Not that she owes it to us to tell the story. I have a ton of sympathy for her as well.

@NICU: I'm trademarking that.

I went though a period where I listened to the Goshen College radio station online. And in between songs, they'd give farm and weather reports in a very slow, comforting voice, and I'd think, I've got to get out of LA.

I picture Amy Winehouse saying this.

I always said we'd have national healthcare before smart guys were good at basketball.

@LosOsosdeChicago: In the past, the tournament was over when Roy Williams cried, but this year, I don't know.

If you were a publicist would you take a job from a guy in bankruptcy? Just put your name on the bottom of the list pal.

Seriously guys, I can't see any more people die today.

He's going down the hole, and even if he gets out alive, he'll wish he was dead.

@DrunkenLizard: Love, love, LOVE boats. Wouldn't buy one if I won a gazillion dollars in the lottery. Terrible financial move.