“My fourth was tequila. No excuses. No judgement for this lady here. Most people don’t plan this shit. It happens and you make the best of it. Ride the roller coaster of life.”
“My fourth was tequila. No excuses. No judgement for this lady here. Most people don’t plan this shit. It happens and you make the best of it. Ride the roller coaster of life.”
Except that they’re married. He was her fiancé when she got pregnant and now he’s her husband. Shut up until read the article, because your preconceived notions are hot garbage.
Well you can shut the fuck u too.
Statements like “no couple should have more than two children” are pretty damn prescriptive, so don’t be surprised when people accuse you of telling other people what to do. You may not be making any laws, but you are engaging in some social policing here. And just because you ascribe to an apocalyptic vision of the…
Nope. The problem isn’t simply too many people.
Yes, wanted and planned are different, but make no difference in this situation. When she became pregnant, she obviously decided she wanted to continue the pregnancies and is happy with the family she created with her husband. To speculate about her aborting considering how she talks about her pregnancies and her…
In a world that is filled with Anti-Blackness, I would say yes.
If you want to tell someone what they should do with their own body then you should go fuck yourself. Now if you think having two would be great for you then good for you. If you don’t want any good for you. Just don’t sit here and tell other people what to do. Don’t act slick whenever I see a post about Black woman…
This could have been me.
I’m legit tired of Poodletime. I eagerly anticipate her eventual flounce.
I thought she was a grown woman. You paying her bills out your pocket? No? Maybe stfu then. I am legit tired of people telling other people what to do with their bodies.
How many heads do you suppose would pop off if they knew I had 5 children and even wanted to have more? My little army of liberals are out there... working...engaging in society... shoring up social security... and voting!
This woman and her partner having five kids is not going to kill the planet. If you want people to have fewer children, lobby your representatives to make contraception a free or cheap and widely available. Lobby them to keep abortion legal and increase abortion access. Lobby for comprehensive sex ed. If those options…
It would be hypocritical to say that conservatives have no place in our uteruses and then look the other way when someone liberal makes comments about what we should do with them.
BabyStu is 2.5 and will be exactly 3 when his baby brother is born. People HOUNDED me starting when he was 9 months old about giving him a sibling. I barely felt ready and recovered when I did get pregnant.
After the last set of twins did she order the firmest brand of birth control ever or is she open to rolling the dice for babies numbers six and seven?
I’m happy for her if she’s happy but...
She and her husband obviously wanted them, so your comment is weird.
Tarp on the floor.
This ass has been trolling all day. Don’t engage.