Deadspin Highlight Truth Center In Secaucus

If you’re going to spellcheck truther at least make sure your own sentence is correct. “Is” two spaces?

You don’t watch it for the plot.

Sherlock is the only Sherlock show I’ve seen so far. Elementary never interested me. Those are the only two I know about. The Sherlock Moriarty was just too much like Heath Ledger’s Joker, but without the face paint and actual menace. I guess they were trying to portray him as the exact opposite of Sherlock’s calm

Your comment made it sound like you think Tarantino should have been on the list.

I’ll have to take another look. Still, seems like minor continuity errors. My problem with The Life Aquatic is that there’s little momentum with so many different story lines stopping and starting. Seems like it was the most fun to film though by a mile.

It is. I lost my shit when they pulled out the guns and went pirate hunting.

Wat. Sherlock’s Moriarty is god awful.

I’ve never noticed that before. Which part?

So tell me which movies Somewhere, The Bling Ring, and Marie Antoinette ripped off?

You rail against pastiche then ask where Tarantino is? Are you serious?

I love a lot of her movies but this is definitely her schtick.

You are an idiot. Lost In Translation and In the Mood For Love have completely different plots. Picnic At Hanging Rock and Virgin Suicides were both based on novels. Again, you are an idiot.

You’re such a Jerry.

The Life Aquatic is good, but as a film Lost In Translation is much better. Life Aquatic has some real pacing issues.

Did you get your movies mixed up? Shaky cam is the worst thing about the Bourne franchise, not Fury Road.

It is because you don’t get it though. And that’s fine. Don’t have to be so smug about it.

Lose. It’s lose.

Don’t be embarrassed, you’re doing God’s work.

Because baseball as a sport is boring as fuck.

You do realize that the alternative is an even richer individual who would lower LeBron’s tax rate instead of raise them right? No? No, I guess not.