Deadspin Highlight Truth Center In Secaucus

Yes, but Trump’s fan base don’t hold him accountable for anything. The reason is that she’s a woman who is associated with the wealthy establishment. They hold this against her even though Trump comes from that wealthy establishment. The blatant hypocrisy may be obvious to everyone else, but it’s not to these special

I don’t think those criticisms apply as much to Obama, or even Bush (who was genuine in his idiocy). Hillary and Romney both exhibit out of touch moments, but Romney was running as a Republican where that shit is pretty much expected. Also, she’s a powerful woman gunning to become the most powerful person in the

She doesn’t seem genuine. Her position has flip flopped on several issues and her reactions to legitimate gaffes have been surprisingly tone deaf for someone who’s been in politics for so long. She hasn’t done a good enough job of convincing people that she’s not just another conniving politician.

I would think that everyone scores after 69.

Replying so you can’t fix your typos.

Gotta disagree. Filming it in portrait gives you a better sense of the ball in the air, although the shot should’ve included more sky and less field.

This would make baseball watchable.

Especially when it comes to something as nebulous as polls.

Last election’s polls were calling a tight race and it was anything but.

Not sure where you get that impression. She’s been handed one of the easiest opponents in history. If she was up against last elections Romneybot this might be close, but as it is now it’s going to be a bloodbath. For all of her missteps, Trump has made ten of his own. People thought the last election was going to be

Is this with or without Blood Clot Bosh?

You really don’t know much about basketball or the NBA do you?

Pentacles are for satanists. Conspiracy nuts are all about the Illuminati triangle. Get your facts straight.


I took a fencing class in college and really thought I would like it, but the softness of the hits really killed the experience for me. Did I use the wrong type of sword?

Epic pillow fights.

Epic pillow fights.

How is this not known to anyone who’s even heard of Evangelion?

That mirror like shot reflects the true nature of the relationship between Elliot and Mr. Robot. It’s a nice bit of visual foreshadowing.

Interesting that you mention Mr. Robot because most of the shots aren’t framed symmetrically or within the typical rules of cinematography. It’s definitely effective in certain scenes but I feel like they go too far with it sometimes.