
Do you think most women are stupid? Because that’s the only way that would make sense.

Diego has spent tens of millions of dollars researching who likes scotch, who doesn’t and why. The big liquor conglomerates have market research budgets that are among the biggest in the world.

Have you ever stepped back and thought about where you are in life that someone who was showing kindness to you made you livid? That is not a healthy reaction.

It is amazing that you think you speak for all women. Companies make products like these because women buy them. What right do you have to say they shouldn’t be able to buy them?

What is an “American Scotch”? All scotch is by definition made in Scotland. Jonnie Walker was being made in Scotland a good century before anyone cared about single malts.

Hey cool, internet lawyer doesn’t know the difference between criminal and civil law...

With what crime? Sending dick picks isn’t close to being illegal. Stop pretending to be a lawyer on the Internet.

You do realize Ray Lewis wasn’t accused of stabbing anyone, right?

As someone who was going to Minneapolis Public Schools when it was Murderapolis, go take you stupid “authenticity”and shove it up your ass. Sorry that your gritty city is now being replaced by places families can safely live.

Congrats on defining feminism is a way that perecludes 99% of women on earth.

Lol, this sounds like something Tucker Carlson would make up to make fun of feminists.

You have some really fucked up ideas about mental illness.

Look, the whole point of being woke is finding other supposedly woke people, exposing them as not sufficiently woke, thus claiming their fraudulent wokeness as your own then parading around with a sense of self righteousness that even Trump would be embarrassed by.

They know exactly what they did. This story of their snub will spread through online feminist-sphere letting everyone who already agrees with them know how woke and aggrieved they are.

Why would it “work”? NFL players commit domestic violence at a lower rate then the general population. But they’re big, scary and black so of course they should be the poster boys. Based on the events of the last year, maybe it would be more appropriate to highlight the crimes of journalists.

Does that include leading feminist publication, Jezebel.com?

What the fuck are you talking about? There are tons of bars without TVs. If you don’t know of any maybe you should move out of Alabama. Glad to see people are devaluing real discrimination by making non-sports watcher a new victim class though.

Yes, if you really care about getting your message out you would schedule around events that would obviously overshadow it. Now if your goal is to boost your socially perceived wokeness score, deliberately scheduling over the Super Bowl is great way to do so without ever having to actually help anyone.

Why didn’t Jezebel have a reporter there?

This is a great example of a horribly dishonest use of statistics. The percentage for men is so much lower because they’re drastically more likely to get killed by a non-intimate partner. Men are 4x more likely to be a murder victim than women are. The reason such a high percentage of women murder victims were