I worked at a federal government office where this was the norm, or taking half days every Friday after four 9-hour days; some folks even did 10 hour days Monday through Thursday to take every Friday off.
I worked at a federal government office where this was the norm, or taking half days every Friday after four 9-hour days; some folks even did 10 hour days Monday through Thursday to take every Friday off.
Nevermind me, I’m just dusting off Sweet Business and Actium War Rig for no reason at all.
Baseless conspiracy theories are pretty evil, too.
I know it’s not the same situation but to me this reminds me of streamers who go into Warzone or Valorant or whatever with a ‘god squad’ and talk shit to or about players they run into and kill but will whine about “sweaty kids” when they lose an engagement or match. Fortnite was the worst with 20-30 year olds who…
Wow that CGI guy looks very lifelike.
I’ve found myself awash in the seasonal currency, but I’ve been doing plenty of core playlist activities while working on the Lorentz Driver catalyst quest and also grinding toward that rocket launcher. My income might drop as the season goes on in that regard, but then there are upgrade nodes to make things cheaper,…
I’m having a lot of fun returning to the dreaming city but, I agree the grind to get loot has been a bit much. What I’m most in love w/ rt now is the OP lucky pants and dance machines exotic armor which are crazy fun to use rt now. This is gong to be a long season so I’m going to take my time and enjoy the ride towards…
I main a Titan with Sweet Business and Actium War Rig. I am loving the infinite ammo.
Jeff? The guy whose EQ name was Tigole Bitties? (as in Big Ole Titties), that Jeff? The Jeff that is best buddies with Afrasiabi, that basically ran the infamous FoH guild in EQ with Afrasiabi?
My formative mini golf memories were made at Cool Crest outside Kansas City, MO. Had family that lived in KC, we went to visit them about once a year. Always hit up Cool Crest.
I had the great misfortune to be in two toxic leadership units in my military career. They poison the entire unit and utterly kill morale. They surround themselves with yes men and people who are toxic too, or too incompetent to do anything about it. The system itself is corrupted to protect them and serve their…
At some point, he’ll acknowledge the Tribal Chief.
Did my harrasment and abuse of you help you come out? Are you fucking for real Wendy? You weren’t speculating to help her, you were trying to hurt her!
Respect and disagree totally. Saying Wendy was problematic is an understatement, especially back around the time Brat was hot. Wendy was the definition of messy chaos influencer. She made it her business to be as disrespectful and gossipy as FCC regulations would allow. Brat saying she didn’t find Wendy attractive…
Wendy tried to take ownership of our journey of self-discovery and say Brat was attracted to her (attempt at a power move). Given how that set the stage for their interaction, Brat was well within her rights to swat both of those notions away.
and The Germs got the shaft again.
Would have preferred Suburban Lawns got in, but whatever. Maybe Poly Styrene.
Yeah, Coulier's only Canadian connection is that one went down on him. In a thea-tuh, I believe.
New Englanders are every bit as racist as people in the south, they’re just not as open or vocal about it lol.
Highly recommend the comic. I don’t know that it needs an adaptation, but it is one of my favorite graphic novels of the last few years and a really thoughtful piece on age and violence.