
One of the grays I haven’t responded to said I was trivializing SA and that it was understandable she would slap him after finding out he was cheating. 

Were the genders reversed Jez writers would A) Be howling for blood and B) Justifying her cheating (See Olivia Wilde)

The whole ignoring the spousal abuse thing too. 

Do you generally feel sorry for spousal abusers?

My G=go to post Suppressing Glaive disable was/is - Font of Might, Reaping Well Maker, Well of Utility, Well of Tenacity and Volatile Flow. With a funnelweb and the right aspects I am mowing through mobs staying invis most of the time.

And he gets plenty of opportunity as Zavala :) 

On the Titan it’s normally Path Of Burning Steps+Sunshot+Lower tier Sola

i messed around with this combo during Dares Of Eternity and it was lovely :) 

Friend of mine used to work for blizzard pre Vanilla WoW. Evidently, at one point cross faction was planned as part of the end game. the thinking being you fought 1-60 but realize there were more important threats and uniting. 

That’s one of the reasons I am thankful for my federal job.

It’s funny - I never got ink while I was in, but my REMF buddy got tatted up.

Pretty much - and the Gung Ho GI Joe action figure. Which amused Larry Hama at a con a few years ago. 

Semper Fi brother - MCRD San Diego Platoon 3040. Hard same, Aliens and Heartbreak Ridge did it for me.

Whenever someone grouses at work, I repeat Sgt. Apone’s (Whose actor really was a Marine) infamous “I love The Corps” speech.

I might have missed it, but I think Cammiecakes and Falloutplays have not been doomsaying it. Which, i think, speaks volumes about them. 

By and large, the Destiny groups I am involved with on social media are all over the moon for this. The sweaty shotgun apes can still be sweaty shotgun apes with other teams their (roughly) same skillset. 

You left out the part where they had already done approximately 70 pages of sensitivity focused rewrites. 

I considered that, but I am enjoying Path Of Burning Steps + Solar Weapons. 

I LOVE those ghost mods :) 

I haven’t run into the lack of currency, but I am also playing a lot of gambit, crucible and strikes in addition to the Astral Alignment and Shattered Throne.