
“Oh damn. Now I see it...NOW I see it”

Everyone does

I am old enough to remember the picture of a Boston mob brutalizing a POC over bussing. 

It’s clean blood? I got nothing, sorry. 

My Irish buddy just got home from a MENA contract and he is quarantined at home for 2 weeks

Vikings were very clean, especially in comparison to other cultures at the time. They bathed regularly and used perfume.

Wiuld LOVE to see Queen and Country adapted

If he doesn’t, Myelin does

Dont forget Near Dark, too!

If it helps Zack - I found it at the Price Chopper at 103rd and StateLine, and the 95th and Mission one. She Who Must Be Obeyed loved it. 

Yup. Thought she might stop after what happened with Method Man and his wife, but liars gotta lie. 

You would think, after getting drug for lying about Method Man and his wife, Wendy would stop.

Still surprised (and disappointed) Kotaku didn’t do a story on the shitstorm that occured when Piranha Games (developer of Mechwarrior 5) lied to it’s customers when it sold the game as being on Steam then switched to Epic. 

Besides group and individual therapy, I also use videogames to help with my PTSD. My therapist actually recommended it and encourages me - within limits, obviously. 

The Chapo folks are a trip. And there’s another guy, CheekyAmriki who went on about how leftist vets shouldn’t mention being veterans because it might offend real leftists.

Fucking tankies - had one of them tell a trans friend she’d been better off not enlisting and killing herself because fuck the military no matter the veteran’s politics. And the Chapo boys went atmy friend Warax on twitter (He’s about as left as they come) with the imperialist and babykiller nonsense.

What Rayman said - PLUS Meth and Tamika hadn’t told her family yet.... 

Hard for me to be sympathetic about anything regarding her, especially given how she has treated folks. *cough*Lying about Method Man*Cough* 

Besides Ahmed, the vikings were well known for trading with many different peoples and cultures, white and nonwhite. 

Folks like that also hate being reminded of Holodomor too.