On the other hand, we do have the story of Jon Lovitz beating Andy Dick’s ass so there’s that.
On the other hand, we do have the story of Jon Lovitz beating Andy Dick’s ass so there’s that.
Given the other stories, I am inclined towards 1)
Kevin Nash tells the story about seeing Gene at the Miami airport, knocking a few back and Gene walking off like it was nothing and Kevin needed help. Kevin Nash is not a small man :)
Been dealing with the stolen valor hunters. Agree wholeheartedly with blocking.
Prince of Darkness.
My wife and I were set up by mutual friends. First time we met in person we barely spoke, we were so nervous. Been married 22 years :)
Not really - I love my mom but she was the victim of emotional and verbal abuse from my stepdad and refused to leave. She died of cancer in 08, and was defending my stepdad till she passed. My father, well, it's complicated. Absent a good chunk of my adolescent life, tried to make it up later. But my problems with…
My mom was really good about that, as was my father. One of the few times I ever saw my mom get PISSED was when my grandmother trashed my father. Made it a lot easier to navigate for me.
Yes. Sadly they are 6 and 17 so it’s too late :)
He did that when he was here in KC. always going on about the Chiefs and how they suck and yadda yadda yaddam till he got in the locker room and suddenly it was “My boy...etc” Nobody bought it and nobody misses him here either.
At the least DoD, DoJ and FBI conversations.
Oh there was a purpose for that
Exactly. If ,SOMEHOW, I was able to record in a SCIF - I would be having serious conversations with folks who have no sense of humor about that.
We are ll scared of camel spiders. Those things are hellbeasts. I once saw a Force Recon Marine run screaming, being chased by 2 of those things.
As a United States Marine, I could have written this. I should have written this.
I’ve met Christopher Priest and Kevin Mitnick - both singularly great guys.
USDA Employee here. Yeah, morale here (At least within my agency) is at an all time low. Sexual predators who harass employees, engage in retaliation against those with the temerity to stand up to them and who promote their hookups are lauded. And what is our Secretary worried about? Too much teleworking! He has…
I am race changing my hunter (assuming they can be hunters) to a Dark Iron when I unlock them.
Our guild has (jokingly) talked about going Horde because of the troll stuff.